
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My First Giveaway!

I figured it's time for our first GIVEAWAY! Yay! 

Many blogs have sponsers who give products away for such contests, but since I have only myself, 
I made something special just for you.
I will be giving away ONE silk and  feather,
hand beaded hair clip. 
Aren't they GORGEOUS? It's one of my favorite things to make because they remind me of
little silk party dresses.
Here's how it's going to work.
You must first make sure you are a follower of my blog 
then leave a comment at this post mentioning which color you like best. Teal, or White.
The contest closes on Sunday night and I'll draw a name on Monday.
I'll announce the winner on Tuesday, July 19th.
Have fun and good luck!


  1. Love them both but if I had to choose I would say white. Wonderful job girl!

  2. I agree! Love them both - but I'd go with white because I could wear it more often!

  3. Love the white but I can see the teal still there winking at me! X

  4. I would choose the teal one, I'm going to a wedding in September and the theme is peacock & teal. Perfect!

  5. Teal teal TEAL!!!! I bet you knew I would pick that one :)

  6. Love your blog and the teal one! Beautiful.

  7. I love the teal one, but white would go more with what I usually wear. But they are both beautiful!

  8. Love those! TEAL! White is gorgeous too though.

  9. Teal is such a trendy color right now, that I absolutely I must go with the teal!

  10. Just found you via Me Sew Crazy and I'm excited already!

    Always love anything TEAL!

  11. I also found you via Me Sew Crazy. Your so talented!! I love the white one ;)

  12. Looking for mermaid inspiration led me here... the teal one is just lovely :)

  13. Love your teal one! Found via MeSewCrazy.

  14. So beautiful! Love them both but maybe the white cause it matches more? Nah, I'd just have to get something that matches the teal!!! :) Found you on Me Sew Crazy! Very cute stuff!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love the white one! It would be so stinking cute in my daughter's hair for my sister-in-law's wedding! I might steal it from her though...

  17. I am your new follower, and I think that while both are lovely, the white is my favorite :)
    Thank you!
