
Friday, July 8, 2011

My First Batch of Homemade Laundry Soap

I was simply THRILLED when I found this recipe for laundry soap by  
One thing I love about this recipe is that it's powdered. I could make small batches at a time 
and not store multiple gallon of the stuff in my house.
diyNatural has tons of recipes for beauty products, cleaners, food etc. 
This is the first idea of theirs I've tried. 
I don't want to be accused of stealing their recipe so please visit their site for all the details! 

You just use these simple ingredients which my husband picked up at Walmart.

(My little helper is sooooo serious!)

Ivory Soap

Washing Soda


This is very easy to make and really cheap. I'm excited I can put it in my cute little canister too! :)


  1. I have wanted to try homemade soap so let us know how it works out. I hear you don't have to use softener with it and it works well with high efficiency washers. But I'm a little chicken to try it.

    Faith from

  2. I prefer to make the liquid homemade laundry soap because the dry ingredients go further.
    1/3 bar fels naptha, colgate or ivory soap
    1/3 c. borax
    1/3 c. washing soda

    Grate the bar soap and melt it on the stove with 1 cup water, stirring frequently. Mix the borax and washing soda with 1 cup hot water in the big 2-5 gallon bucket you are mixing your laundry soap in. Add the melted bar soap mixture. Add enough water to make 2 gallons, starting with hot water and getting cooler, and stirring frequently. Continue to stir frequently every five to ten minutes to that the soap with cool and thicken evenly. Use juice jugs or old laundry soap jugs. Shake before using. You can stir into hot water prior to use if using cold water to wash. Use 1/2 cup liquid per load. :)

  3. Sounds like a great recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I've recently tried the liquefied version of this and it is MUCH more economical AND seems to do a pretty good job. I also substituted baking soda for the Borax after it has recently come to light that Borax may be toxic. Clothes are clean and good smelling. I've been using my own homemade detergent for going on three years in my HE front load machine with absolutely no problems. If you do have a dispenser, I suggest putting the dry version of the soap directly into the tub with the clothes as the soap can cake in the dispenser. I strongly suggest trying some version of this that fits into you lifestyle because it is SO much better for you and the environment.

  5. I had NO IDEA Borax could be toxic. At least for laundry! Thanks for the heads up. It's good to know baking soda works just as well!
